Thursday, September 23, 2010

HW 3 - Food - Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

No matter who you our, the chances of you eating fast food ones in your life is more than a possibility. But its not that we don't understand it's bad for us. I mean from doctors to health guru's we hear endless references to why we should not eat it. Its one of the main causes of obesity in both America and the world, including heart disease and high cholesterol. So the question still lies why do we continue to eat fast food even with knowing the price we end up paying in the end?

One simple reason I feel we all tend to overlook is just how "fast" Fast Food is .Well yeah, that's kind of implied in the name right? The speed of life has never been faster, with most of us on the go with someplace to be, we all feel at times like there just aren't enough hours in the day to take the time to make a good home cooked meal.Who has the time to make a huge,elaborate feast every day. Making it very impelling and convenient to have fast food. Which compared to slaving over a hot stove for hours , makes much more sense for some to get a meal in half that time.

Fast food is also very cheap. When you're low on cash what's best , go without, hungry or dip into the fast food chains that offer offer tons of quick, more than affordable meals. Tho is may be cheap , In my opinion you pay for it with lots of sugar and high cholesterol .

Another reason is for many fast food just simply tastes a lot better. I believe this is a total lie we've all bought into. Fast food restaurant's entice us to buy their products, but with all the money spent on making the food supposedly look delicious through commercials and pictures ,I wonder does it ever really taste that great? I know whenever I use to eat it I almost always felt disappointed with the taste and feel, just the overall quality sucked . I felt like I had a tire l in my stomach after eating it.

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