Thursday, April 14, 2011

HW 45

Matt, This letter was moving with its creative and persuasive language. From the beginning of the powerful and relevant Kennedy quote, to the atroctious statistical data and your analysis of it, I found myself convinced that I was reading a speech of a "budding activist", but like american literature, we have beautful writing but the actual action the writing is meant to provide is skewed. A question I have for you is, "if you were to begin this kind of movement, how would you account for the movement of actual action holding true to the beautiful writing provided?" Great Post! Response: First I want thank you for taking the the time to read my post. While first we have to realize that the powerholders want to keep this issue off the social and political agenda. And the public is unaware of the problem and directly or in dircetly supports the powerholders. I think first organizations need to be build to address this isssue, also linking up with current orgnization that have a simalar goals.A vision and strategy must be made like I somwhat layed out. And like I did in my project more people like you must document the problems and bring light to the powerholders’ roles. Becoming informed is the key to change. For some ideas on what you can do write your local politicans, start a facebook group, get more friends involeded. Slowly we can start a grassroots movement which over time can bring about real change to people who realy need it.

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