Thursday, April 14, 2011

HW 44

Matt Personal And Political Blog said... Even, I really enjoyed your speech essay, you established the contrasted between the difference between midwives that just practice at houses, and midwives who practice in birthing centers in hospitals was very interesting and caught my attention. I thought the amount of background information that you put in to the piece to really further your point was outstanding. I think it's a really cruical topic and Im happy you put your two sense in. Matt Personal And Political Blog said... Steven, The statistics of home birth vs hospital births particularly were well thought out and analyzed. The information you had on the hormonal/mental advantages of home births I valued.I feel the contrast you brought up is worth digging deeper. Matt Personal And Political Blog said... I think the idea of investigating how the bond between mother and child many change due to a c-section or a vaginal birth was intreasting. Its a real worth whiled topic. Only thing I would of liked to hear is interveiws with people who expreciend both vaginal birth and c-section birth.I think this would of gave your paper even more flavour.Great Job.

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