Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW 50 - First Third of Care-of-the-Dead Book Post

"Death wasn't something to fear, it was something to aspire to, after the troubling business that came before it, of which there was little need to speak."(26)

"In death you're a cold, physical problem that must be dealt with."(26)

"Bake, shake, be done with it." (32)

"In the office, Richard's quick estimate, not including cemetery expenses, comes to $7,680, which he rounds up to $7,900 to provide wiggle room. Then if the final bill is less than the estimate, they'll feel like they got a deal." (page 39)

"The embalmed corpse is an in-between: both a person and an object to fear." (57)

" He doesn't want to be your friend he wants to be your funeral director something that most corporate funeral directors do not do."

So far in "Curtains" by Tom Jokinen , Jokinens has been apprenticing with funeral director Neil Bardal, who could see that the future of his funeral home business didn’t involve nice big, expensive cherry-wood boxes. Bardal is from a long generation of undertakers, and he owns a “full-fig” funeral home as well as a crematorium.Jokinen has had to learn to receive bodies and embalm them. He's observed cremations and processed cremains. He learned from embalming artists who tackled impossible situations and made bodies look presentable for decedents’ loved ones.

This book has been okay for the most part. It's actually been a pretty smooth read. I like how its been able mange a wide variety of fascinating topic about death in just a few chapter's already. Its well written, and makes some good insights. I feel like its one of the many books we've read in the past an outsider's takes on a fascinating dirty job to uncover a dirty truth.Tho compared to the others its oddly more interesting. I like the dark humor,and interesting tidbits. It's kind of like reading a blog or column or extended magazine article.On page 26 when Jokinen says "In death you're a cold, physical problem that must be dealt with."Its funny but true. And this is the feeling Ive had reading his book so far. He gives the sad truth a sense of humor in his style of writing.

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