Monday, April 18, 2011

HW 46 - Initial Thoughts on the Care of the Dead

I feel that as a society we have devised ways for dealing with death and the knowledge of our own mortality as to ease are fear of the unknown. We use such things as complex visions of what might follow death like heaven or hell, or occupy are work days with responbilites and none sense so we dont have to think about it.

The truth is where all gonning to die. Its the one gurantee. Some people dont like to hear it so straight but its true. I personally dont worry so much about heaven or hell, or what comes after.How I see it, is best case scenario theirs a life after death worse case sceniro is its nothing where gone in a million different particules,"dust to dust".

Death to me seems alot like birth, we dont have any recolation of what we were if anything before we were born so why should we after we die.I think what is never really touched apon is not the death considered by the norm but the death that occues in many people while their still alive . When I think about death, I think of a Poem called "A Long, Long Sleep, a Famous Sleep" by Emily Dickinson :

A long, long sleep, a famous sleep That makes no show for dawn By strech of limb or stir of lid, -- An independent one. Was ever idleness like this? Within a hut of stone To bask the centuries away Nor once look up for noon?

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