So far in "Birth" by Tina Cassidy, Ive been reading about the postpartum period speacfically the importance breastfeeding.Cassidy after studuing the social and scientific approaches to childbirth gives her evidence about breast feeding's benefits. One of the agrument she used was the their is a bond created through breastfeeding.She claim's that theirs a closeness and intimacy of breastfeeding which strengthens the maternal affection.But it makes sense that breastfeeding would foster early post-partum maternal bond because in many ways breastfeeding is compelete domanance of the senses either through touch,mutal gazing, or the sounds .
I think more women should be made aware of the benifits of breastfeeding so they can make more informed decisons . The chapter also focused on the placenta , I thought this was somthing new and intresting because while we all marvel at the wonders of fetal development and micracle of birth, we often over look the miraculous organ which is the placenta. To think a womens body can make a organ which does so much that previously didnt exist , is simply amazing. The placenta grows from the moment of conception assist the production of hormones needed to sustain the pregnancy at around 12 weeks , It supplies the nutrients to for the baby to devolp.
The book focuses on how other cultures have come to see the placenta in a different light. And how some even have ceremonies and beliefs held about the placenta that are completely foreign to us, normal in indeed werid. For example, in some cultures it is commonplace to eat the placenta because its packed with nutrients.There are even meal like recipes for cooking placentas, including placenta stew, placenta lasagna, power drinks with blended placenta and others. Some people even eat the placenta raw. "Birth" made me think how crazy the value of a placenta is , it has played a main role in helping to nurture and bring forth a life, it truly is the Tree of Life. Like I said in my last post this book is both insighful and oddly entertaining. It really allows you to build up a sense of understanding about birth as awhole.
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