Sunday, February 27, 2011

HW 36 - Pregnancy & Birth Stories

First Interview:
I had a pretty much normal pregnancy.I I was alittle scared about my first pregnancy , The whole idea of labor and delivery was all consuming, no one really gave me a clear idea how it felt because no one wanted to scare me, which made me of-course even more scared. When I found out I was pregnant , I was made aware that I was already two months pregnant. The pregnancy as a whole came as a shock my husband wasn't too happy. We weren't planning to have until a few more years. When we went for the ultrasound and found out we were having a girl , all the doubt went straight out the window.
In the months of my pregnancy I had so much labor pain. My doctor kept assuring me that everything was still the same .I was in tears for weeks. I "hated" contractions. On the day of my pregnancy my back hurt so much . I tried everything from laying down to running a warm bath. So me and my husband decided to go the hospital. After waiting for only few minutes they put me in a room , hooked me to and started counting my contraction. They also monitor the baby's heartbeat.
Oddly for me giving birth did not hurt pushing felt somewhat good actually. Nothing hurt anymore not my back, not even my stomach.It was a weird feeling of relieve.I was pushing for about an hour. My baby's head was coming out right so the doctor asked me to stop , he had to suction the baby out. It took about half an hour to get it on right.And my beautiful baby girl was born.

Second Interview:

The day of my pregnancy I had to vist my Ob/Gyn earlier in the day .He informed me that my due date was expected for the following week, I was dilated only one centimeter. As I was watching the news later that night, I felt a pain in my stomach. I got up to use the bathroom,as so as I bent down I felt an incredible pain in my stomach.Then it happened my water broke. Maybe it was the shock or that I felt I peed on myself but I started to laugh

I called my mom from her room , then she called my boyfriend who came to drive us to the hospital.
The check in at the hospital was fast but the upstairs was packed ,maybe their were too many women pregnant.I had to stay overnight in triage.

The next morning, I was able to get a room . I planned on having a natural birth. But my son never pushed down, which led me doctor to suggest a C-section. I was terrified. Lucky my son was born a healthy 6 pounds, 12 ounces .


How many women on avg. must have C-sections ?

Are many complications during pregnancy due to how the mother took care of herself during pregnancy ?

How dose the suction extraction of the baby effect its overall growth ?

When women seek medical advise are they given alternatives to common child birth practices ?

Third Interview:

I was hoping my pregnancy with my second child would be easy.And than both the labor and delivery would be smooth.I guess this is what all parents wish for. One week from my due date I woke up having terrible cramps and back pains. I could feel my body trying to go into labor because these were the exact same feelings from my first child. I started having contractions 10 minutes apart. Later my contractions got to be around two minutes apart. My husband rushed home and it took us about a hour to get to the hospital.

During my ride to the hospital my contractions slowed down to become about five minutes apart.When we got to the hospital they were right back to being 10 minutes apart. When they checked me in the nurse told me I was about 3 centimeters dilated ,So I had to wait and walk around .When the nurse checked me again I was 5 centimeters apart. After a couple of hours my water broke.I could feel the baby pushing down out of me it was a unbearable feeling .

My nurse told me to start pushing and I would be through. My first attempt to push was extremely painful. I told them I couldn't do it and I really meant it. I want them to perform a c-section but they refused, it was to close. I started to scream in pain and then their it was a beautiful baby boy. He was 6 pounds, 13 ounces .Overall, I hated this labor compared to my first maybe I wasn't on a nove drugs.(smirks)

Personnel Thoughts:

In my interview's I saw with all these with women some kind of feelingof understanding.They seemed to all come from a place of accepting themselves through their birth experiences. Life seemed to fall into place.The first women I interviewed even went as far to say "with this birth she was given purpose". Birth allowed her to understand her own personnel deep down feelings ,feelings that seemed both mysterious and frightening.

All of these women oddly experienced a newfound freedom in relation to feelings , their bodies, andrelationships. Many felt they could move forward in life in a new direction . It seems these feelings with other experiences in birth are just components of a much larger process of bith. While generally considered powerful and profound, the particular meaning and significance of these feelings seems to be overtime fading


  1. Matt B. (B for Batson)

    One of my favorite aspects of your writing is the style you chose to write in. Each interview was a very personal story. Writing in first person was both creative and interesting. The first women finding that through all her struggles having the girl was more than worth it. Your second interview had me wondering how much power the women has in decision making during the birth? is she considered to be in a good enough state to make decisions for herself?

    While you adding on you personal thoughts i really liked the line: "The first women I interviewed even went as far to say "with this birth she was given purpose". Birth allowed her to understand her own personnel deep down feelings ,feelings that seemed both mysterious and frightening." There are so many changes a women's body experiences through pregnancy. Experiences that are not as comfortable, and changes that potential last. Giving birth is a complete invasion of a women's privacy, i think the women you describes here have learnt about themselves and are more comfortable as a result of their painful process.

    Nice job :)

  2. Joshua ,My Brother:
    What I liked about this was the dealtailed way this was wrote. Explaining about the cesections or C-sec for short that some wemon go through when they think they can't get the baby is amazing. This story really's give a person or at least me an understanding of how hard,and painful birth is. But what this story also incorparates is even through all that pain,the end results of this process is worth it. So that's why I have to say nice job.

  3. Jennifer ,My Mom:

    It's wonderful you have insight into the birthing process. However I wish you could have expounded on the mental transition that goes on during the process of being pregnant for nine months. The joy and fear, anxiety of another individual living inside of you, the miracle and the questioning of that miracle and it's effects on
    the family compostion changing for partners or as a single women ,instead I felt as though I moved right through to some form of the birthing, and believe me their is a middle between giving birth that is as life changing as the finality. The mere conception of another person is created sometimes through preplanned wants or sometimes mistakes or mistiming, however once this life takes on its first ultrasound of a heartbeat the changes begin and the thought processes grows no longer as you the mother a solo entity in this world but has the new caretaker of another.
