Friday, January 21, 2011

HW 32 - Thoughts following illness & dying unit

This unit of illness and dying made me think its Its funny how life works. One moment your sitting at a table surronded by family , then in the next your wondering what happen? It's werid its like the mintue your born its a count down to your adventual death .

Illness and dying is a reminder. A reminder that life is fragile one moment you can be sitting around a crowded dinner table and in the next layed out in a operating room.But what does this mean ? Are we suppose to pretend that these moments dont parrel eacthother ? That with joy pain is soon to fellow ?

Im not sure.I guess theirs only so much preparing for illness, dying and eventual death we can prepare for.Their no manual, theirs nothing one can say. So maybe it not about preparing but understanding. Understanding that while moments like thanksgiving can be aackward and ruff , their the moments where everybody is smiling.These are the moments that are pricless. Understanding this maybe wont make getting sick or dying good or happy but aleast at those final moments maybe you can smile and it gets alittle easier.

1 comment:

  1. Matt,
    I was really impressed by your positive life attitude towards such a depressing topic. I do agree though that we focus too much on the death aspect of life, rather then enjoying the time we are given. I feel that it is more of a religious question as to how the life we live affects the death we die. But you are very right to say "they're the moments where everybody is smiling. These are the moments that are priceless." You did need to work on your grammar and spelling, but i think that if you reread it and made those quick corrections then this piece would greatly improve. I did enjoy reading this though.
