Friday, October 22, 2010

HW 10 - Food, Inc. Response

Are parents, are teachers, are politicians , are self's, are friends they were all lieing. Who would of figured It was a lie, that in fact the places where most of the pigs, chickens and cows we eat come from are Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations or CAFOs for short, and this simple fact expresses more about how farming in North America has changed over the last 50 years then we even know .

Food, Inc., is a atoushing documentary by Robert Kenner's, which discusses the industrialization of food production and delivery systems and how it has affected our daily lifes from health, to environment, to the economy. The rise in obesity, diabetes, and cases of salmonella and E Coli poisoning is all traced in Kenner's film to these CAFOs and the growth of processed foods on supermarket shelves and in fast-food restaurants.

Food, Inc does not paint a pretty picture but its a portrait that must be seen, from Giant processing plants to animals being injected with hormones and chemicals standing in their own excrement, being fed genetically engineered corn and grains to make them fatter. Chickens that never see sunlight, can barely support their own weight , unsettling and nightmarish is the least of it .

The combination of Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation and Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma adds a certain substance to the film that cant be ignored . The film gets all the experts ,farmers, food advocates, and government officials who one after the other make striking indictments against giant food corporations like Tyson and Monsanto.

The film also points out are own government , the FDA and USDA have become almost powerless by legislation and court rulings, and the happy courtship of politician's and lobbyist has led to lax health and safety controls.What got me the most, was secrecy, it astonished me the lack of information given to s about what we are eating. For example agribusiness interests lobbied the state to keep labels off meats indicating that the fact they came from cloned animals.

Food, Inc. is film making with a cause. He's wants to scare us from parent with children, to low-income families who cant afford a decent meal , politicians,regulators, he wants to scare all of us and through his film he does just that, preparing us for the battle ahead. And in his own words "I think it's one of the most important battles for consumers to fight: the right to know what's in their food, and how it was grown."

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